
Photo Frame


Wooden Photo Frame custom made, fits a 4" x 6" photo in landscape mode, for baptism, christening, first communion, etc., or for any occasion, laser cut and engraved.

This beautifully crafted laser cut and engraved photo frame will be an excellent favor or memento to your guests in your event, a decoration for your table, a centerpiece, and is custom made with the details of your special day. English and Spanish versions, or other languages if you provide the wording.

It is made of 3mm birch plywood with a dark brown engraving, and comes with two legs to stand alone. Due to the nature of the material used and the process, some burns may appear in the product, that disappear with a little sanding. The wood has natural imperfections, like a wood knots or nicks. Not two items looks the same and each item has different patterns, making every one unique.

It is approx. 7.0" wide x 5.75" high.

After your purchase, send us an e-mail with the name of the baptized and the date of the event. Once your order is placed, we will send you a digital proof of your design to be sure that everything is accurate before proceeding to production, after your confirmation.

Contact us for more info or to place an order